Sustainability is key to our purpose, promise, and values
Economic, Environment, Social & Governance (EESG) Statements
Sustainability is a part of our identity. ALLIED GREEN AMMONIA (AGA) initiatives to incorporate Economic, Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria into our sustainability strategy and operating framework reflect our long-standing commitment to our stakeholders (customers, suppliers, partners, shareholders, employees, and the communities we serve). Our view on EESG is that it is a continuous process of aligning our operations and controls with our values as a company. Our EESG commitments are structured around four key areas relevant to our business and projects: Economic & Products, Environment, Social, & Governance.

Ammonia Storage Tanks
Our economic and product transformation paths emphasize strengthening our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects in alignment with the UNITED NATIONS SDGs to create meaningful and lasting impacts that address marginalization, untapped potential, and responsible growth.
ALLIED GREEN AMMONIA (AGA) has a bold ambition to produce Green Ammonia in Australia’s Northern Territory. We aim to achieve this ambition without positively or negatively impacting the environment. Keeping the global impact and environment into consideration, we identify, invest, and develop environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable energy projects to sustain our long-term energy requirements and future expansions.
Key Drivers: Micro and Micro Economics, Megatrends, and Leading Sustainability Practices
Our commitment to sustainable development has been part of our General Business Principles. Together with our Code of Conduct, these principles apply to how we do business and our conduct with the communities in which we operate. We have worked to embed this sustainability commitment into our strategy, business processes, and decision-making. We aim to produce cleaner energy solutions responsibly to balance short and long-term interests and integrate economic, environmental, and social considerations.
The project will be an economic boost for Australia’s Northern Territory, creating construction jobs and full-time positions to operate and maintain the project. It will also promote skills development and education pathways and catalysts for new advanced manufacturing and regional development.

Ammonia Plant

Net-Zero Emission - Green Ammonia
ALLIED GREEN AMMONIA (AGA) is committed to environmental excellence, from groundbreaking projects to research and activities in local communities. AGA and its employees are protecting the environment at all levels. We are working towards zero-emission related to our operations and products and implementing innovative solutions that expand our portfolio to meet the demands of our customers for affordable, reliable, and clean supplies of energy and products.
As we work towards zero-emission, our collective challenge is to create solutions that protect the environment without undermining the growth of the global economy. AGA participates in global sustainable and industry-led projects to reduce the long-term risk of CO2 capture from emissions sources.
Sustainability is represented at every level of our governance structure. Our essential elements to the corporate governance system include a combination of internal and external mechanisms such as the structure of the board of directors and our committees, oversight of management, and sound policies and controls. We are committed to implementing sound corporate governance practices and principles that define who we are and what we stand for and working and cooperating with local authorities on all Health, Safety, Environmental, and Community issues. Altogether, all our staff members are involved in implementing our sustainability and governance roadmap.

Ammonia Plant
Our eesg commitment
We are committed to clean energy solutions for a better planet. We built sustainability into our purpose, promise, and values, take actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change; and directly support social justice endeavors. AGA is developing Green Ammonia Project in Australia’s Northern Territory.
alfred benedict
Chairman & Managing Director
Emir aziz
Chief Executive Officer