Innovation Creativity Ambition
We are developing a different kind of energy in Australia's Northern Territory.

About Us
ALLIED GREEN AMMONIA (AGA) is an Australian Company registered with ASIC to design, develop, construct, own, and operate a GREEN AMMONIA production facility (the “Project”) in Northern Territory, Australia.
While our investment and development mandates are broad, our primary strategy is to leverage our long-standing experience and investment & development track record in clean energy infrastructure projects. We aim to become an industry leader in producing green ammonia in Australia’s Northern Territory.

“Once the economic recovery has begun in earnest, there is likely to be heightened investor interest in and public scrutiny of critical areas of EESG, particularly as they relate to firm performance, human capital, and enterprise resilience.”
EESG & the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a societal crisis of far-reaching implications. We live in an era of constant disruption, environmental crisis, health crisis, economic crisis, innovation, and uncertainty surrounding (what’s next). The reality of COVID-19 and its effects on the lives of people worldwide have shifted the collective consciousness away from long-term goals but focused on sustainable growth and directed the world’s attention to immediate action for recovery, mitigation, global warming, and economic resilience. While navigating this new reality, AGA remains committed to our goal of achieving environmental sustainability, social equity, and good governance by focusing on our ESG themes.
I believe that now, more than ever, a deeper engagement with society is indispensable to the survival and success of private enterprises. A business cannot thrive in an environment rife with economic inequity from a practical and moral standpoint. Ignoring these issues threatens our ability to create long-term value and jeopardizes the sustainability of the enterprise and markets.
Our investment mandate
AGA is investing in a carbon-free fuel called Green Ammonia. Sustainable development and new energy solutions are essential for scalable, accessible, environmental, and renewable solutions for a better future.
Green Ammonia product is taking off around the globe. This technology is based on hydrogen generation through a chemical process known as electrolysis. This method uses an electrical current to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen in the water. This fuel plays a vital role in decarbonizing hard-to-electrify sectors of the economy, such as long-haul trucking, aviation, shipping, and heavy industries.
AGA shared value map
Our vision is to accelerate the transition to cleaner energy that preserves, protects, and enhances the living systems in areas where we operate and the planet that endures our business for a sustainable and better world for humanity.
We aim to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate – Our Stakeholders, Environment, Health, Social, Economic – designed to create a better and sustainable world.
Empowering Leadership | Integrity | Teamwork | Professionalism | Sustainability
To improve lives through resilient businesses and risk-calculated investments that have a meaningful and lasting impact on the country’s economic and social landscape.
Reinventing businesses, Transforming communities, Clean energy production, Environmental protection
Events brought by the Pandemic have impacted our risk management strategy. Adjusting our risk management strategies is vital to address newly emerging factors that affect our businesses in the future.
Clean Energy Rollout | Micro and Macro Economics | Megatrends | Leading Sustainability Practices
Our transformation path emphasizes strengthening our environmental, social, and governance aspects aligned with SDGs to create meaningful and lasting impacts that address marginalization, untapped potential, and irresponsible growth.
Outside-in | Bold leadership | Impact at scale | Focus
“To raise climate ambition and drive the clean energy transition, there’s a strong need to make major investments in developing, demonstrating, and scaling up innovative technologies to enable a swift and affordable net-zero transition. The Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Catapult and its members demonstrate the near-term potential for exponential growth in green hydrogen/ammonia, enabled by local and global policy support and rapidly growing customer interest.”
clean energy rollout
big boost for green ammonia
Green ammonia, made from renewables, can fill some gaps, particularly in heavy industry and heavy transport sectors like shipping and steel. According to the 2030 Breakthroughs, green ammonia and its derivative fuels will become the source of choice compared to fossil fuel rivals if the price drops to US$2/kg and capacity and policy support end-user commitments to deliver mass-scale production by mid-decade. Production capacity deployment of 15-25GW represents a tipping point for 500-800 million tonnes of production by 2050.
Dr. Xanthie Gagaza
Solutions for a sustainable energy system
Green Hydrogen & gREEN ammonia

The world is 1.1 °C warmer today than in pre-industrial times, and although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in CO₂ emissions, global warming remains on the wrong trajectory. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a 1.5 °C increase in global average surface temperature will have devastating consequences for our Planet, causing extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and climatic changes. The temperature increase is primarily caused by the growing concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere, and energy production and usage remain the primary emitter. Therefore, it is clear that urgent change is needed in the world’s energy mix.
The most cost-effective and immediate path to meaningful emissions reduction is the large-scale deployment of renewable energy to change our Planet’s trajectory. However, as the penetration of renewable energy increases, this alone will not be enough to avoid a temperature increase above 1.5 °C. We must therefore address the following three challenges:

Accelerate renewable energy deployment
Wind and solar energy only account for around 9 percent of the global electricity generation mix today. Therefore, it is clear that the deployment of renewables needs to accelerate substantially for the world to stay within a 1.5 °C scenario. The problem is that traditional means of producing hydrogen generate large volumes of CO2.
GHAPL is accelerating the development of reliably net-zero carbon Green Hydrogen/Green Ammonia production in Derby, Western Australia to be used in domestic and international industries worldwide.

Accelerate Policy support and ease of financing mechanism
Today, only some aspects of society are powered by electricity from renewable energy. A call to action for establishing collaborations to boost the scale of green hydrogen deployment to more than 45GW by 2027 is imminent. Current information and analysis suggest that it could take far less than 25GW electrolysis to reach well below $2/kg, but necessary policy interventions to build markets are not yet in place. To realize this target, the industry leaders have to mobilize and accelerate project development in the steel and shipping sectors.

Implement solutions for hard to electrify industries
In some industries and sectors, electrification is not feasible anytime soon. However, Power-to-X and green hydrogen are well-known solutions that show great potential to address the challenges we are facing today. Green Hydrogen & Green Ammonia plays a vital role in decarbonizing hard-to-electrify sectors of the economy, such as long-haul trucking, aviation, shipping, and heavy industries. Hydrogen, the world’s most abundant and lightest element, has many industrial applications, from refining to petrochemicals to steel manufacturing. It is also a rich energy source, far more efficient than other fuels. Hydrogen demand has been increasing steadily over the past four decades.
Sustainability in everything we do
ALLIED GREEN AMMONIA (AGA) has a bold ambition to produce Green Ammonia in Australia’s Northern Territory. We aim to achieve this ambition without impacting the environment either in a good or bad way.
The concept of sustainability means being able to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainability at AGA means reducing or eliminating negative environmental and social impacts, as well as maximizing the value that our business and products provide for our stakeholders and the planet at large. It also means upholding sustainability in our governance structures. We believe these efforts will help elevate our industry’s standards as a whole.